In addition to the published books below, I’ve recently completed Things Happen, a novel in which Luke Mallory, an aging retired surgeon, divorced, then widowed, moves to an independent living facility after he’s laid off from his second-career consulting job. He loses his temper with a crooked lawyer, survives a near-fatal shooting, reconnects with his family, and finds happiness with an adopted Corgi and a new lady-friend.
Subscribe to be notified when this novel becomes available.
240 Beats per Minute, Life with an Unruly Heart
with Bernard Witholt. An extraordinary conversation—the combination of Bernie’s journal and Roger’s commentary
Nesiritide, The Rise and Fall of Scios
Get a revealing look at what it really takes to develop and introduce a drug to market and all the things that can go wrong in Nesiritide.
Subscribe to receive book updates from author Roger Mills MD
Publications (byline)
1. Clinical Leader
3 Good Reasons To Never Fall In Love With A Molecule 6/6/2018
Don’t Take Candy From Strangers: 3 Warnings About Right To Try 4/5/2018
What’s Behind The Gender And Ethnicity Imbalance In Clinical Trials? 1/23/2018
CRS Lawsuit: Does FDA Guidance Require More Clarity? 12/5/2017
Plan Ahead To Mitigate Post-Study Conflicts 10/19/2017
2. Psychology Today
Take as Needed
How to become an effective caregiver for your loved ones.
July 9, 2018
How “Informed” is Informed Consent?
Discussing your health care with mutual respect and concern.
August 7, 2018
A Recovering Cardiologist and the Illusion of Control
Good health habits won’t always keep bad things from happening.
February 4, 2019
Diving Into Statistics: Better Late Than Never
Finishing my second course in biostats/epi at age 77 has not been easy.
Posted November 21, 2020
3. The Massachusetts Review
The President and the Poet. Essay on the relationship between Robert Frost and John F. Kennedy. July 15, 2018 (
- Mills RM Jr, Young JB, eds. Practical Approaches to the Treatment of Heart Failure. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1998.
- Young JB, Mills RM. Clinical Management of Heart Failure. Professional Communications Inc. West Islip, NY, 2001 (first edition). 2004 (second edition)
- Butler J, Mills RM, Young JN. Clinical Management of Heart Failure. Professional Communications Inc. West Islip, NY. 3rd Edition, 2017
Publications (Medical Books)
- Mills RM Jr, Young JB, eds. Practical Approaches to the Treatment of Heart Failure. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1998.
- Young JB, Mills RM. Clinical Management of Heart Failure. Professional Communications Inc. West Islip, NY, 2001 (first edition). 2004 (second edition)
- Butler J, Mills RM, Young JN. Clinical Management of Heart Failure. Professional Communications Inc. West Islip, NY. 3rd Edition, 2017
As many of you know, Katherine and I are avid amateur photographers. A couple of years ago, I put together a collection of our travel photos from the decade 2010 to 2020 and published it with Blurb.
Please have a look – you can flip through the book digitally here.

Roger Mills
Roger Mills is an accomplished retired cardiologist, US Navy veteran, photographer, and writer of fiction and nonfiction.